5 Ways to Keep Bathroom Remodeling Costs Down

5 Ways to Keep Bathroom Remodeling Costs Down You've thought about it for a long time, and after careful consideration, you've decided the master bathroom needs a total overhaul. But you face a problem: a tight budget. The good news is that you can remodel your bathroom on a budget. Find out the five ways you can cut costs while remodeling a bathroom. Create a Plan Image via Flickr by Hey Paul Studios Before you start any work, … [Read more...]

Games to master for better business 

The business world has been compared to games for generations. There can be high stakes, strategies to implement and tricks to learn that can allow you to beat your competition and win the game, whether that game is cards or running a business. To be successful in both gaming and business, you need to have a set goal in mind and the concentration to stick to a plan while remaining flexible enough to adapt to any new scenarios or challenges. … [Read more...]

Affordable Gestures to Thank Your Guests When Hosting a Wedding 

Your loved ones may have ventured near and far to spend your wedding day with you. Although you may be the guest of honor during your nuptials, you still want to send your guests thanks for supporting you through the celebration. The following are affordable gestures your guests are sure to appreciate  Welcome Them with a Care Package  If your wedding guest list is extensive, you may wonder how to please varying tastes with affordable … [Read more...]

DIY Flower Baskets

Photo credit https://pixabay.com/en/geranium-petunia-balcony-plants-2776714/   When it comes to gift giving, a personal, and home-grown flower basket is perfect for almost any occasion. People love to grow plants and flowers, and they love to share them. Giving a DIY flower basket is actually giving someone a gift of life. Choice flowers for baskets When it comes to a beautiful flower that will bloom all summer, and comes in a variety … [Read more...]

7 Flexible Jobs That Will Turn You Into an Entrepreneur Mom

While many moms would love to be stay-at-home moms, the reality is that few families can afford to survive on one income these days. There is a way, however, to be around for your children while also contributing financially to the household- working from home. There are so many different opportunities to work from home these days that anybody could find something which suited them. Here are seven of the best flexible jobs for moms to work … [Read more...]

5 Lessons You Need To Teach Your Teens About Cars 

 Teaching your child to learn how to drive can be a scary and surreal experience. On the one hand, you’re happy for their independence, but on the other, your maternal instincts are nervous to know they’ll be out there on the road alone. There are plenty of manuals and online guides to help teach your children how to drive, but they also need to know how to manage a car like an adult.     Robert Foss, a senior research scientist at the … [Read more...]

How To Plan Your Child’s Birthday Party 

Planning a child’s birthday party can be hectic, but if you keep yourself organized it can be a fun and rewarding experience. Making sure your child has a perfect day is part of the joy of organizing a party, for friends and family to also enjoy. Below are some handy tips to help you on your way to organizing the perfect birthday bash.   Plan well   Planning in advance is essential for a birthday party, especially with little ones! It is … [Read more...]

How to Reduce Wear and Tear on Your Family Vehicle 

How to Reduce Wear and Tear on Your Family Vehicle    When we buy something expensive, we want it to last for a long time. Unless you’re wealthy, you can’t easily afford to buy a new vehicle any time you want. We use our cars every day to drive ourselves to work, take our children to school, run our weekly errands, and many other things. Over time, our vehicle will sustain wear and tear.  If you’re on a tight budget, reducing vehicle wear … [Read more...]

4 Simple Steps to Help Your Child Refinance Their Student Loans

According to Forbes Magazine, student debt in America is higher than both credit card and auto loan debt, with over 44 million borrowers and over $1.3 trillion in outstanding loans. With these numbers, it is no surprise that your child may be feeling a crunch on their finances as a result of student loan payments. Many graduates find it difficult or nearly impossible to make their student loan payments every month, while others just want to … [Read more...]

Eliminating Debt for the Modern Mom

Graduating from college is one of the happiest, momentous, exciting, saddest, horrifying, and turbulent times for any adult, nonetheless a mother also dealing with the needs of a family. With such a large range of emotions, focusing on the next steps in life becomes difficult. Life altering decisions hang in the balance while you transition from a student to a full-time participant in the world of capitalism as an employee or entrepreneur. … [Read more...]