Dealing With the Unexpected When You Have Kids

Dealing With the Unexpected When You Have Kids Life is full of uncertainties and unexpected events, especially when you have kids. Suddenly instead of just worrying about your own well-being, you now have another person that relies on you for safety and protection. Accidents are inevitable and often happen when you least expect it. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare and take precautions to minimize the fallout when they do occur. There’s … [Read more...]

Help Your Child Overcome Their Fear of the Dentist

Help Your Child Overcome Their Fear of the Dentist A visit to the dentist is a necessary activity that your child may dread. But in order to keep their teeth healthy, this event can put them on the road to better oral hygiene. Are they Afraid of the Dentist? Well then, to help ease their fears that may come with sitting in the dentist chair, you’ll want to follow the below tips. Start at an Early Age Parents have the responsibility of … [Read more...]

Buying for Baby: Choosing Between Second-Hand and New Products

Buying for Baby: Choosing Between Second-Hand and New Products The precious few months before your baby arrives are often packed with last-minute tasks. From putting together the crib to purchasing the items you need, there's an endless list of decisions that must be made. It's also very easy to let your budget spiral out of control while purchasing necessities, but it doesn't always have to be this way! Buying certain items second-hand is an … [Read more...]

Dehumidifiers: A Missing Link for Pet, Cooking, and Mold Odor Control?

Dehumidifiers: A Missing Link for Real Pet, Cooking, and Mold Odor Control? Odors can sometimes plague the home, and when they do then you need to find the right control for them. Whether it is pet odor, cooking odor or mold odor, you can get the right control for all of the scents that you find throughout your home. Consider adding a little dry air to your home when it is too moisture-ridden, since this is what can carry the odors around the … [Read more...]

Ways To Feed Kids Healthy Foods With Menu Planning #CMHMoms

This post brought to you Children's Mercy. All opinions are my own. All parents want to encourage healthy eating habits in their children.  One of the best ways to do this is to menu plan with your kids help each week.  Getting them involved in what they will be eating each day helps you to recognize their preferred foods, while also introducing them to healthier options on a regular basis.  We have some great tips for how to get healthy foods … [Read more...]

Give yourself the Laundry Room of Your Dreams

Give yourself the Laundry Room of Your Dreams When you're asked to name your favorite room in the house, how often do you say your laundry room wins the prize? Most of us dread the time we have to spend with the washer and dryer and wouldn't list that experience among our best memories. But with a little attention and some fun ideas, you can create the laundry room you've always wanted. The artsy crafters and the DIY-ers will enjoy taking the … [Read more...]

Easy Ways for Busy Moms to Indulge In Me Time #sponsored

This post is brought to you by Pepperidge Farm® Milano® cookies, but concerns my own opinion. If you are a busy mom like myself, you know all too well how hard it is to find time for self-care. Being able to give yourself a few minutes or hours of just me time is tough for a mom who is working hard for her family. There are few things that allow you to really indulge yourself without taking time away from your family, but one thing I enjoy is a … [Read more...]

Choosing Summer Camps For Kids With Special Needs #CMHMoms

This post brought to you Children's Mercy. All opinions are my own. Summer camps for kids are already sending out mailers and information for enrollment, but for some parents it can be tough to decide if their child is able to attend. There are some medical conditions and special needs in children that make it difficult to attend a traditional summer camp for kids. We are bringing you some great tips from Children's Mercy, as well as some great … [Read more...]

5 Tips For An Easy Spring Cleaning Process

This post brought to you by Home Depot. All opinions are my own. Spring cleaning is always a big undertaking in our home, but it goes beyond just purging unused items and cleaning baseboards. I love the focus on getting our house sanitary in the process of decluttering. It's so important when things like spring colds, lingering viruses and even seasonal allergies come around. Having a clean home is important, and our sponsor offers not only … [Read more...]

Is Your Rapunzel Doll … TANGLED? How to Detangle Doll Hair

How to Detangle Doll Hair...I'm pulling this one up from the archives in hopes of helping a few more "hair challenged" dolls in your little girl's life. Just remember to have patience with the procedure and start from the bottom and work your way up! Emma’s Rapunzel Doll was a tangled mess within hours of her taking her from the box. Despite the repeated (attempted) brushings Emma gave her, the rats nest got bigger and bigger. After a little … [Read more...]