Hacks For Getting The Kids To Sleep Through The Night

Hacks For Getting The Kids To Sleep Through The Night One of the biggest torture devices of parenthood is sleepless nights. From the moment you bring your baby home from the hospital until they are of preschool age, you don’t sleep. The only way that you can get some shut eye as a parent, especially a parent of young children, is to take the night shifts one at a time and try and snatch sleep where you can. The trouble with the phrase … [Read more...]

Saving For College the Easy Way #TakeSimpleSteps

Thank you to Country Financial for sponsoring this conversation. All opinions are my own.   These days the price of everything is on the rise from a gallon of gas to groceries and the cost of college for our kids is no exception. Like most parents, I want to give my children every opportunity possible, including college, but with it becoming harder and harder to save for everyday things, how do we begin to save for our children's college … [Read more...]

Buying vs. Building a Home: Advantages and Disadvantages of Each

Buying vs. Building a Home: Advantages and Disadvantages of Each It’s one of the oldest questions around when it comes to real estate: Should you buy or build a home? The answer isn’t always cut and dry. There are definite advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. Here are a few things worth keeping in mind according to landcentury.com  if you’re deciding whether to buy or build your next home. What’s Your Timeline? Time is a huge … [Read more...]

3 Things to Check to Maintain Tire Safety | Cooper Tires Experience

3 Things to Check to Maintain Tire Safety | Cooper Tires Experience Sample received. All opinions are my own. Tires are often times overlooked when checking the overall driving condition of a vehicle, especially by younger drivers. When my two oldest began driving, one of the first things we did was to put a new set of tires on the car. Why? Because my husband and I both realize that the tires are the only thing connecting their car to … [Read more...]

Extra Things To Consider Before Choosing A Career

Extra Things To Consider Before Choosing A Career   When it comes to choosing a career path, it isn’t just about what you love to do. Reality sets in, and you have to consider the logistics as well. Here’s a little food for thought on the extra details your job hunt should involve. Whether You Can Keep Up with Physical Demands A lot of jobs involve heavy lifting, whether that be physically or mentally. However, a lot of jobs … [Read more...]

Kitchen Creations with Roasted Turkey

Kitchen Creations with Roasted Turkey You might think that turkey is only for the Thanksgiving holiday; but such a wonderful, protein-filled meat ought to be available year-round, as it has many advantages over some of the other meats in your freezer. Turkey is a great source of lean protein, for example, which means you can get the muscle-repairing nutrient into your system without the added calories and fats that often come with red … [Read more...]

Recognizing Sensitivities in Children

Recognizing Sensitivities in Children Children can have a wide variety of different types of sensitivities. In fact, it’s difficult to list them all. They include sensitivity to foods, sensitivity to medicines (like penicillin or aspirin) and sensitivity to different chemicals in common household products. Moreover, each type of sensitivity requires a completely different set of protocols to cope with the issue. Sensitivities are not always … [Read more...]

Questions To Ask When Hiring A Plumbing Contractor

Questions To Ask When Hiring A Plumbing Contractor A clogged drain or a leaky faucet can be an inconvenience, but when it comes to plumbing problems, the stakes can be much higher. Imagine skyrocketing water bills due to an undetected leak or water damage caused by a burst pipe. Hiring the right plumbing contractor is critical. In addition to performing preventative maintenance, a plumber will offer professional solutions and handle home … [Read more...]

10 Changes You Can Make Right Now That Will Improve Your Skin, Hair, and Nails

10 Changes You Can Make Right Now That Will Improve Your Skin, Hair, and Nails Hopefully you’ve already developed some great habits for a healthy lifestyle! Eating nutritious foods, exercising, and taking care of your body - including your skin, hair, and nails - all requires consistency and, essentially, a routine. If you’re still not happy with the way your skin, hair, and nails look, there are a few changes you might want to consider … [Read more...]

Tips on Picking a Bathtub

Tips on Picking a Bathtub One of the top small bathroom ideas is to purchase a freestanding tub. When purchasing a freestanding bathtub, there are quite a few things you must take into account. Bathtub shopping is not something you should be impulsive about. It takes research and consideration. Bathtub Size Before you even go looking for a bathtub, it’s an absolute necessity to figure out how much space your bathroom has. When making … [Read more...]