Thinking about new glasses? Discover 5 reasons why you should only buy them online  

We all love the convenience of shopping online. With just a few clicks we can have our weekly shop delivered straight to our doors, we can order new clothes, shoes, gifts, and anything else we need within moments. And now more than ever, people are much more comfortable having their goods delivered to them rather than heading out to the high-street.   But what about your glasses? There’s nothing more exciting than choosing a new pair of … [Read more...]

Considerations for Every Single Mom Before Dating Again

Whether amicable or messy, your last relationship didn’t go according to plan. Breaking up caused emotional overwhelm for you and your children. It altered your lives in ways you likely never thought imaginable yet somehow, you’ve survived. As the days turn into the weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, that inner desire for companionship starts to resurface long after your divorce. You want to give love another … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Discourage Your Kids From Smoking (Even if You’re Currently a Smoker)

Are you worried about your kids smoking? There is some good news and some bad news. First, let’s start with the good news. Teenagers aren’t smoking nearly as much as they were in the 1980s and 1990s. In 2015, only 9.3% of high schoolers reported that they smoked cigarettes within the last 30 days. That figure was almost four times higher before the turn of the century. Unfortunately, smoking is still a temptation that teenagers struggle … [Read more...]

It’s Not About Aging Beautifully, It’s About Aging Healthily

We all have to grow older. It’s a fact of life that we simply must cope with, especially as parents. Raising kids can give us plenty of vigor and strength, but it can also stress and wear at us, body and mind. We want to be there for them, for any grandkids they might give us, and for ourselves, even decades from now. So, what can we do to make sure that our body ages more healthily? Source - CC0 License The mind matters Mental health … [Read more...]

How to Keep Your Family’s Mental Health From Being Negatively Affected During COVID-19

  COVID-19 has taken a toll on all of us, whether we’ve contracted the virus or not. The sudden shock of cultural and societal changes combined with the looming threat of the virus itself has changed our very way of life almost overnight. It’s understandable that adjusting to these changes so suddenly could create strife and negatively affect your family’s mental health.   In this short guide, we’ll go over some tips to help your … [Read more...]

Birth Trauma, Its Impacts, And Healing

An often overlooked impact of giving birth is the trauma that many women experience. According to the BBC, millions of women worldwide have developed conditions, such as PTSD, linked to that trauma, yet awareness of the impact on women and their children is low. The fact of the matter is that birth trauma can have a lasting impact on a mother and her family; being aware of the signs of trauma, and helping to mitigate it, can improve quality of … [Read more...]

4 Ways You Can Protect Your Skin From Aging

In a world that admires the look of youth, it can be difficult to realize you will one day grow old. Perhaps that is why most people are seeking a way to fight wrinkles, dark spots, and saggy skin. If you are looking for techniques to protect your body, check out these four preventative measures. 1. Chemicals Alcohol and nicotine are chemicals that can inflict immense damage to your skin’s tone, strength, and look. As the chemicals … [Read more...]

The Best Morning Health Routine To Follow Every Day

One of the best healthy lifestyle tips for anyone is to get into a good routine. When you have a routine to follow, you easily fall into the habit of making positive choices and doing things that benefit your health. While you should follow healthy habits throughout the day, a routine is easier to follow when it's in the morning.  So, here is the best morning routine that will set you up for a healthy day. It's very easy to do, shouldn't take … [Read more...]

Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Senior Citizens

As we age, we become more susceptible to illness, disease, and various health conditions. Thankfully, senior citizens do not have to feel as though heart disease, arthritis, cognitive issues, and the like are inevitable. While vital at any age, keeping up healthy lifestyle habits is a must for those reaching the age of retirement. Concentrate on Prevention Rather than waiting on health issues to arise or worsen, it's best to get ahead of … [Read more...]

Trying New Things for Fun 

Trying out new things is a fun way to pass time. Whether you are at your workplace or in the comfort of your own home, there are many new things to try. Trying out new things can be fun. It can also increase your productivity, improve your health, and bring joy to those around you. There are endless new things that you can do to improve your overall happiness. If you are looking for ways to pass time, here are some of the best new things … [Read more...]