Weekly Weigh In Weeks 19 & 15: 3/18/11 #NSNation

It’s been 19 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 15 weeks for Kaytlin. I’m not even going to dilly dally over this. Both Kaytlin and I had a rough week. It is my oldest son’s 14th birthday today and Tuesday night he had a birthday party with a few of his friends. This has been a five year tradition… same boys, same junk food. While purchasing said junk food… I keep telling myself “you aren’t going to eat it… just serve it”. The day arrived … [Read more...]

Weekly Weigh In Weeks 18 & 14: 3/11/11 #NSNation

It’s been 18 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 14 weeks for Kaytlin. So, remember last week when I promised to work out 2-3 days a week. I am embarrassed to admit it, but I broke my promise. I did do Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred once, but the rest of the week I focused on just moving. The weather is getting nicer and I am enjoying going outside with the kids and doing some yard work while they swing, slide and jump. Thank you Mother Nature … [Read more...]

Weekly Weigh In Weeks 17 & 13 : 3/4/11 #NSNation

It’s been 17 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 13 weeks for Kaytlin. Remember last week how I was griping and complaining because spring disappeared on me? I had asked my husband to pick up a copy of Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred so I had something I could do inside while waiting for Mother Nature to decide what she was going to do with herself. I started working out with the DVD last Friday and did it for four days straight. It hurt like … [Read more...]

#WIN Shabby Apple Dresses for Mom GIVEAWAY [CLOSED]

ABOUT US Shabby Apple welcomes you to great dresses that make dressing simple. After years of not being able to find stylish dresses that covered enough skin to make you really feel comfortable (without wearing a tank top, cardigan or long slip), owners Emily and CK decided to do something about it. They visited trade shows, marketplaces and designer studios only to discover the problem was not that department stores weren't buying the right … [Read more...]

Weekly Weigh In Weeks 16 & 12 : 2/25/11 #NSNation

It’s been 16 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 12 weeks for Kaytlin. Spring had sprung (so I thought) here in Missouri and I was a happy camper this week! I spent a couple of hours one afternoon raking and burning the leaves and twigs that covered our backyard (darn willow trees!). Even though I smelled like a campfire when I was done, it felt good to be moving and doing something productive! Pair that with a long 1 1/2 mile walk (that is … [Read more...]

See How Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig Compare #NSNation

See how Nutrisystem stacks up compared to Jenny Craig… you might be surprised! See what I mean? Interested in joining us? Nutrisystem has set up a special website for blog readers. Visit for news and special offers, or call 1-888-853-4689 DISCLOSURE: This post was written by me and was not edited by anyone. The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own and have not been influenced in any way. Nutrisystem is providing their food … [Read more...]

Weekly Weigh In Weeks 15 & 11 : 2/18/11 #NSNation

It’s been 15 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 11 weeks for Kaytlin. Wow, what a week. Let’s just say… well… it sucked. This was worse than the holidays hands down. Let’s start with Valentines Day. A beautiful box of chocolate covered strawberries arrived (my fault) and I thought (imagine an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, both whispering in my ear) okay… they are berries. Just skip your dessert. (that would be the devil … [Read more...]

Weekly Weigh In Weeks 14 & 10 : 2/11/11 #NSNation

It’s been 14 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 10 weeks for Kaytlin. For today’s installment… I will call it “Random thoughts… with OurKidsMom”. I just want to say, I hate Mother Nature. Period. I am done with her. Really, why do women continue to go through this every single month when we know we are finished having babies? *sigh* Okay… enough griping… This week was pretty uneventful, really. Eating 6 times a day has become a routine for … [Read more...]

Weekly Weigh In Weeks 13 & 9 : 2/4/11 #NSNation

It’s been 13 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 9 weeks for Kaytlin. To say my week started on a bad foot is an understatement. I was so bummed by my gain last week… the funk held on for a day or two. I was still true to the program, but your mental attitude goes a long way when making a lifestyle change. I ate my dinners for lunch and my lunches for dinner this week. This was my attempt to change things up and confuse my body (why not, my … [Read more...]

Mommy… What is Ham made of?

Our family has been cooped up for what seems like forever. Yesterday the sun was shining and singing to us “come outside”… so we started brainstorming. Our local Play Place isn’t the best for little ones and we were sure it would be swamped. We were on snow day #3… enough said. I had been out the day previously to grab some groceries. The roads weren’t perfect, but considering we just suffered went through a blizzard they were pretty good! We … [Read more...]