The Essential Guide To Looking After A Sick Child

Being a responsible parent, you want to keep your children safe and keep them away from any bugs that is going around. However being young also means an immature immune system. This means that some kids tend to pick up every cold and sickness bug that’s doing the rounds. They might pick it up from a pal on a play date, at nursery or even from a family member. Most bugs can be managed at home. Read on to find out how you can make your little darling’s time feeling poorly just that little bit easier to bear.

Stock Up

It doesn’t matter whether your little one has an ear infection or a bout of food poisoning, you need to be stocked up with all necessary medicine, food and drink. This means you don’t have to keep heading out and you never run the risk of running out of essentials. Make sure that you have plenty of child friendly ibuprofen if the pain requires an anti-inflammatory, and ensure that you look into home remedies as a first port of call. Honey, ginger and lemon are great soothers for the throat, and flat Coke can be a great way of putting a halt to nausea. By trying these remedies first to improve their health, you won’t have to rely on drugs and medicine that you may be reluctant to give your little ones at such a young age.


It’s important to monitor your offspring’s condition regularly. Encourage them to rest and sleep so that they can recover, but also make sure they don’t get too hot or too cold. Check out this wellness encyclopedia to read up on their symptoms. Remember, you know your child better than anyone else. If you feel that something isn’t right or you require medical intervention because your little one can’t shift a temperature or is becoming agitated, see a doctor immediately. Don’t wait. No matter how good medication or home remedies are, a face to face visit with a doctor may be necessary to allay fears and ensure that the right treatment plan is followed.


Turn the sofa into a bed by putting a new clean bedspread and duvet cover over it ready for your poorly little one. Ensure that they remain hydrated with regular fluids, whether this is squash, fruit juice or water. It doesn’t matter too much. They need to just keep drinking. Consider adding food when it is tolerated. For sore throats, ice cream can be an unexpected perk of feeling unwell. For poorly tummies, chicken broth or dry toast can help the most delicate of tummies get back to normal. Allow them to watch TV but ban the tablet and the smartphone. Gaming is a no. You want their bodies to relax rather than tense up over a spot of Minecraft or Fifa. When they begin to feel better, then you can reintroduce their tablet time.

It can be horrible to see your child feeling sick and unwell. They will become quiet, withdrawn and generally feel rubbish. Follow this guide, and your child will be back to their exuberant self in no time,

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