Common complaints with your dog – and what to do about them

We all want to give our pets happy, healthy lives. Unfortunately, just like their human counterparts, they will get sick, injured, and even experience lifestyle changes that we need to help them with. What are some of the common complaints with domestic dogs, and what can we do to help? Here is a guide to taking care of dogs as well as saving money on vet visits in the process. 

Vaccinations and illnesses  

You should always get the full spectrum of vaccinations for your dog to help prevent the spread of disease among other pets. If your dog is a social one, they can pick up many different diseases such as canine distemper which can make your dog very unwell and may even be fatal. Thankfully, there are vaccinations to protect dogs against this. Other illnesses dogs can come down with are canine influenza or “dog flu”, and the canine parvovirus which can cause severe gastrointestinal distress. Luckily, vaccines against these diseases are “core” vaccines for dogs.  

When it comes to dogs, you also need to be on top of intestinal parasites, which can be treated with oral pills. If you fear your pet has developed any internal illness, take them to the vet immediately. 

Parasites, ticks, and external conditions 

Your dog, depending on where he or she travels, can pick up roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms which are intestinal parasites and may be treated with oral pills at home. Ringworms are skin infections (and not worms, but fungus) which must also be properly treated to ensure they aren’t transmitted to other dogs or people. Tick-borne diseases are also a major concern, which they can then pass on to humans in the form of Lyme Disease. When it comes to extremities, ingrown nails and paw infections should also be treated by a vet or a groomer that provides pedicures. 

Injuries and lifestyle ailments 

Some breeds of dog are rougher than others and may get bitten by other dogs – which may need immediate attention from vets as well as assessment for rabies or other diseases. Older or overweight dogs may also feel pain in their joints, bones, and muscles. They can also break bones if they aren’t careful. Always talk to your vet to create a treatment plan for lifestyle diseases such as metabolic syndrome. 

Do you have pet insurance? 

Since dogs may contract diseases or injuries, you should consider taking out pet insurance. To begin, you need to assess different providers to ensure you gain as much value as possible from your premium, as well as how you’re covered for out-of-pocket vet treatment or surgery. 

Vet treatment is subject to a number of exclusions and coverage restrictions. Additionally, some policies do not cover previous conditions, so any health issues your pet had before to the policy’s purchase will not be covered. You also have to figure out if your policy allows you to see your own vet, what is included or excluded such as certain surgical procedures. Most pet insurance plans will cover routine vaccinations and could also include check-ups and wellness routines.  

Pet insurance can go a long way to cover the costs of keeping your dog healthy, so do your research before committing to a particular insurance policy. 

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