This past December Santa’s elves made an early appearance and left a Joovy Bicycoo BMX balance bike for both Emma and Ethan. They had a blast with it and I am convinced that a balance bike should be the first step to learning to ride a bike… then a two wheeler. Learning to balance and pedal at the same time is overwhelming and quite frankly, difficult.
Balance bikes, quite simply put, introduce the idea of balance before anything else. The concept is easy: children master balance first, build confidence and then they make the transition to the ‘big kid bike’ because all they need to learn is to pedal!
Joovy has decided to celebrate spring and balance bikes with a GIVEAWAY!
ONE lucky reader will win a Joovy Bicycoo Balance Bike!
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You do not have to be a blogger to enter/win. An email address is required to enter. The winner will be chosen randomly through Rafflecopter and contacted via email. A reply to the winning email is required within 48 hours before a new winner is chosen. One person entering per household please. Open to any resident that can receive USPS or FedEx package you can enter!
This giveaway ended at 11:59 PM EST on April 3, 2012.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I did not receive anything in exchange for this post. I just love Joovy products! I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product may differ from mine. The sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment and will be shipping the winner(s) their prize(s). For more information read my disclosure policy.
Yes I would…Thanks for the giveaway.
I was just telling my husband last week that we should get one of these! I’d use it in a heartbeat!
Yes I would use a Balance Bike for my kids!
Yes!! My son would love this bike!!
Yes my son would love it!!
yes i definetly would ~~~ Thanks for a great giveaway !!
This would be great for my boys. Thanks for the giveaway!
these things are GREAT–used one for my firstborn and he transitioned to a two-wheeler with pedals almost effortlessly!
I would love to win the pink one for my 6 year old
I would love to use this for my boys. While living overseas this is all you saw the younger ones using.
Yes I would, thanks so much for the giveaway!!
most definitely yes
I think it is a great idea
I’d definitely use one.
davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com
YES! This looks awesome for my almost 3 year old!
sure would! I think they are great for teaching kids balance.
I definitely would! They look really cool, and I think my son would love it!
yes, my munchkin would love to, and it makes sense.
Yes I would, it’s a great idea to learn to ride a bike.
I would use one if I won 🙂
I would use it for a gift to one of the children I volunteer with in the oncology unit of my local hospital. It would be great for physical therapy.
Yes, I would definitely use this to teach my son to ride
I love this idea. My son had a terrible time trying to learn balance when he first started riding his bike. I’d love to give this to my friend for her daughter. Thanks!
I would absolutely love to try!
i would if i got one from you 😉
I would absolutely use a balance bike…my daughter never uses her pedals anyway!
Yes, I would.
thanks for the giveaway
I would absolutely use one. My son has used friends bikes that are similar & loves them at 2 1/2 yrs old 🙂
We’ve definitely considered it. I see kids gliding around at the park all the time, but my son hasn’t tried one yet. I think it would be great. Thank you!
I would love to use a balance bike for my youngest! We actually ended up taking the pedals off my daughters bike when she was learning to ride, but a balance bike would be so much better.
Yes I would use one.
Definitely we would use one (why else would I be entering!? LOL)
yes, I’ve heard good things about them
Yes! I would definitely use a balance bike for my son.
Never heard of these before, how great! I would use this, in fact, it is time for my grandson to learn. Thanks for the giveaway
Of course, I would use it.
My grandbabies would love to have one of these for when they visit!!
Yes, I would use a balance bike for my child. He’d have lots of fun playing with it – just like the big kids.
Yes, I think this is a great idea!
I would use it for my younger son.
Yes i would give this bike to my son who is 14 months
I have never used a balalnce bike with my children, but would welcome the opportunity to try it out. This looks like a great bike!
i would give it to my best friend for her little boy
this would be great f or my son!
Yes, my son would love it!
would absolutely get one
blue BMX
Yes! I’ve seen other kids using these and they look like a great idea!
I think this is a great balancing tool!
Why not! It looks super fun. 🙂
I would definitely give it a try. My middle son picked up riding a bike very quickly. However, my youngest son is having a harder time so maybe this would be a good first step. Thanks for the chance to win!
Actually have it in mind for a 3 year old Autistic Boy- named Sage. Thanks for the opportunity.
we’d love one for our 2 kids
I would choose the BicycooGT Balance Bike in black and white.
eva urban
Yes I would definitely use one for my kids
Well, of course I would 🙂 Why else would I enter 🙂 other than it’s fun 🙂
I would absolutely use this for my children!
Yes I would use one for my child, I think it would be great to teach them balance.
My 3 yr old boy would definitely use the balance bike!! 🙂
I would love to have a balance bike for my daughter. Thanks for the giveaway!
Absolutely! Balance bikes are a fantastic start to learning how to ride.
def. would use it and give it to my son. he has been wanting a bike and doesn’t have one yet.
Yes My son would love to ride a balance bike
Yes, this would be great for my kids to learn balance
i would definitely use this bike 🙂
yes most definitely use it for my kids
yeah, it looks fun, and any exercise is great
My son is 6 and is terrified of his bike, we took off the training wheels last year and he is too afraid, this would help him or my new baby girl in years to come.
I sure would! Great giveaway 🙂
Yes, I’d love to try it out.
Yes, my grandson would love this bike!
Stupid question! Of course I would! 🙂
I sure would! I wish they existed when I was younger… I remember being terrified.
I would love this for my son!
yes, it would be for my son
I think a balance bike would be great for my daughter, she’s almost 2 & will be ready soon!
Definetly would use a balance bike, especially since it is made by Joovy!!! My daughter or son would love it!
Yes, I’d love to try a balance bike with my kids.
I would use this Balance Bike for my grandson.
Definitely we would use one
absolutely. Balance is the hardest thing for a child to learn.
Absolutely! I think it would be the perfect bike for Ava to start with.
I have been wanting to get one for my almost 4 yr old!!!!
Entered Joovy Bicycoo BMX Balance Beginners Bike – giveaway
I would definitely use one for my child
I don’t have any kids but I have a few nieces or nephews that could use this! 🙂
We were actually talking about these at our mom’s group the other day. I thought it sounded like a wonderful idea. The child learns to balance the two wheeled bicycle and then later they don’t need training wheels at all. I would use one of these for my kids.
Yes, I have two little girls that are just the right size for it.
I have been wanting a balance bike for my little man. Thanks for the giveaway
I would try a balance bike for my 4 year old.
My son’s best friend has a balance bike and he loves to play with it. I would love one for my son.
This is a very good idea.
my son would just love it
Yes my kids would love one
Yes, I could use this for 2 of my children.
My 3 year old would love this, she is learning now how to ride a bike this one would be perfect for her.
Yes, definitely! My Grand Daughter would love to use it.
Yes, I would use one for my kids
I would definately use it!
Thanks for the chance.
yes, I would use a balance bike for my child
I would love a balance bike… i think they are a great way to learn!
this would be for my daughter of course
Yes, my daughter could use some help with learning the balance part. Pedaling is easier to learn.
yes I definitely would
Mine are grown but would love one for my nephew
I like BMX Greenie
Yes for my daughter
Yeah, this seems like a great product!
Oh Certainly! Just to see the satisfaction of accomplishment on Gabriella’s face! How proud of herself she would be. We could take them camping with us for nature rides.
I’d love to win this for one of my great nieces. A great idea!
Yes. This would be for my daughter
Absolutely! I just saw one of these for the first time while we were at the zoo the other day, and commented to my husband how neat they were – we would definitely use one for our daughter!
i would definately use a balance bike for my kids!
Yes! This will come in so handy when teaching my next kiddo to ride a two-wheeler! 🙂
Would love to have this. Thanks!!
we already have a balance bike for my son and he LOVES it, i would love to get one for my daughter, since her brother refuses to share!
YES! if only i can convince my husband that our son “needs” another ride-on. a balance bike is on my short wish list.
absolutely my grandson could use one now
I would so use this for my daughter who has the most difficult time trying to learn to ride her bike. She is desperate to learn so she can be like her older siblings!
It’d be so easy for me to teach him on this!
I absolutely would love to use one with my child!
-Ashley Marie Morrissey
I would use it for my cousins
I would love to have a balance bike for my girls
I would certainly use one. Think it is a great way to introduce them to bike riding
brich22 at earthlink dot net
Thanks for the great contest
I would use one for my daughter
Yes, I would without a doubt.
My oldest has a balance bike and loves it; I think my youngest would enjoy one too.
I would love to try it out with my kids.
Yes, I may use one…depends if I win 🙂
Yes, I would, but this one will be for my friend’s son.
nice for my neice ty