Welcome to the Traveling Through Thursday Blog Hop 9/15/11 hosted by Living on Love and Cents, Mom On Dealz, Our Kids Mom , and Belly Charms (The Blog).
We are so excited to be back! We are THRILLED to have you here! Summer is over and we are now all getting back into the swing of being on a "blogging schedule". Because we are so excited to be back on track with our blog hop we are giving away a prize just for spreading the word! WOOHOO!
Who wants a $5 Amazon Gift Card? Simply grab our button and do a little post telling your readers about Traveling Through Thursday! Leave a comment on any of the four blogs letting us know you did so. And you will be entered to win! The winner will be announced Friday at Living on Love and Cents!

I posted about the Blog Hop and also put the link on my sidebar the link to my post is http://savingmoneycanbefun.blogspot.com/2011/09/blog-hopping.html
Also I follow you on Google Friend Connect under the email address moneysavingfun@gmail.com and under iammeuc@msn.com, on Facebook as iammeuc@msn.com and I get your emails at iammeuc@msn.com. If you could return the favor that would be great. I am new to blogging.
All this hopping would make a rabbit tired, but not us bloggers! I’m a new follower from Traveling through Thursday. Please follow back http://mavesfaves.blogspot.com/ Thanks for hosting the hop