Time to Up Our Oral Hygiene Routine | Be a Healthy Habit Hero

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for LISTERINE. I received samples for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

As a child, I will openly admit I had a horrible oral hygiene routine.

I’m not talking only brushing once or twice a day and skipping the floss…

I’m talking I would brush maybe once a week.

We had “swish and spit” at school (a weekly activity that all the children participated in… it was basically an anticavity rinse) and I guess I felt protected by that.

Yep. BAD.

I was thankfully very fortunate in regards to not having any cavities. I thank genetics and good strong teeth for that one… definitely not my oral care habits.


That’s why I am on my children, like white on rice, to take care of their teeth.

They may not have inherited my “teeth genetics” and I would hate to have them travel down the dental road their father did as a teenager and young adult.

I feel like I have done a pretty good job getting the brushing at least twice a day habit ingrained, but I will be honest and admit I’ve been slacking in the flossing department. Any expert family dentist will tell you how important flossing is!

Flossing it just something I don’t even do for myself (ok, I hear you chastising me). I have changed my childhood negligence around and brush twice a day, but I just haven’t gotten into the flossing habit.

So now that we are back into a regular routine with school I am going to make a new effort to teach my children a few more things about taking care of their teeth.

I want to teach them to swish after every brushing with an anticavity rinse like LISTERINE’s Smart Rinse. This will help remove particles that their brushing may have missed… kind of like a double protection.


I’d also like to teach them how to floss.

Fortunately my husband is an avid flosser… so they will have his guidance with this new activity.

SO between the rinse and the flossing they will be removing more particles and plaque than they did before giving them even more protection.

That will make ME my children’s Healthy Habit Hero!

Check out LISTERINE’s YouTube page featuring their Healthy Habit Heroes video series. I just love this one… mom hacks!

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LISTERINE website: http://www.listerine.com/

LISTERINE YouTube page: http://bit.ly/1ryY7Jr


  1. All important points for the little ones (and big ones too!)

  2. Dandi D says

    I’ve never used any of these products, but maybe I should start.

  3. Candice Hull says

    I have horrible teeth but my dentist told me it was 90% genetics in my case 🙁 I brush, floss, rinse and do everything I can and still have cavities and bad teeth. My husband could probably go a month without brushing and it would be fine…I wouldn’t kiss him or talk to him much, but his teeth would be great. One of our kids got my teeth and the other got his. I have tried to instill the habits, but I guess only time will tell if they stick. I should get some of those flossers.

  4. Nicole says

    I use the Listerine mouthwash myself and my kids love the smart rinse. Really awesome products to help with your dental hygiene.

  5. shelly peterson says

    I really need to add flossing and the smart rinse to my sons brushing routine. Luckily he has had no cavities but bad teeth run in my family 🙁

  6. Lora says

    Thank you posting the link to America’s Healthiest Heros!!! They not only made me laugh but also let me see an old school mate of mine, Ian. I have to say my 9 year old hates brushing her teeth, but I have a question, are those dental rinses ok to use for kids are dye sensitive?

  7. Sarah L says

    I’m glad you at least have hubby to show the kids the right way to floss. (you might consider watching & learning yourself)…

  8. I am a big fan of Listerine products. It’s all we use as far as mouthwash.

  9. Listerine products always make my mouth feel extra clean and fresh. I would really be interested in trying the PocketPaks while on the go.

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