The Link between Motivation and Addiction Recovery

When someone is trying to get over an addiction, it is important that they stay motivated to quit that addiction. In the early stages of their recovery process, motivation may be easy to find. They will probably be excited and passionate about quitting, and that’s the easiest part of the process. Understanding the link between motivation and addiction recovery is crucial, and for many, Tricare Drug Rehab services provide the supportive environment necessary to foster the determination needed for a successful journey towards sobriety.

As they move through the different stages of recovery and deal with setbacks and difficulties, they may struggle to find their motivation naturally. Here is why motivation is so important during this process and what you can do to keep the motivation high.

Motivation Is Momentum

The word motivation comes from a root word meaning movement. We understand motivation as something that keeps you moving forward through a process. An addict will need to keep going on their road to recovery, and if they stop, they may falter and fall back to where they were before. That can be very dangerous.

Think of it this way: imagine the process of addiction recovery like pushing a car with a dead battery. It is tough to get it going at first, but once it is moving, the car becomes easier to push. It has a little momentum behind it and can move with less force involved. If you have to stop and take a break, though, then trying to get the car moving again is like starting from scratch all over. Motivation keeps you moving and is absolutely necessary to make the recovery process smooth. Without it, every day will be a struggle with the worst aspects of addiction.

Keeping the Goal in Mind

A person who is motivated to quit an addictive substance or behavior has a reason to be motivated. There is something in their mind that keeps them going and keeps them pushing forward. In some cases, it is the negative consequences of the addiction, and they don’t want to experience those again. In other cases, it is their family, and they want to be able to live a normal family life or be reunited with their family. For others, it is a chance at independence, where they no longer need to rely on other people to help them in their daily life due to a crippling addiction.

Motivation to stop an addiction can be any of these things, but whatever it is, it is important for the person to focus on their goals continually. They need to be careful that they don’t lose sight of the goals, or they will start to wonder why they are even bothering to try to quit, and they may start to give in again.

If you want to help someone quit addiction, perhaps your own child or someone living in your household, then you need to keep them focused and remind them of their goals. If you know what their goals and motivation are, then that will help a lot.

How to Keep Motivation Strong

We are going to change direction with this article now and talk about what it takes to keep motivation high. It may be different things for different people, but these are some things that you can do in your own home to help this person or to help yourself, if it is you who is struggling with addiction.

  1. Maintain an Organized Home

Some simple things can make a big difference, and a clean home can have an impact on someone’s mental health and their ability to stay motivated. Messy homes create stress in the mind since the brain does not like disorganization. It can be helpful to keep a clean and tidy home where everything is in its place and it is easy to find things. A cleaning agency such as can handle housework that you don’t have time for, and cleaning professionals in your local area can make things easier on you.

  1. Make Daily Goals

What are you going to do each day? Creating a list of tasks gives you something to focus on and helps you to feel motivated to do something. One of the worst things that a recovering addict can do is to simply lie around and do nothing. That saps their willpower and motivation, and they quickly forget about why they want to stop being addicted. If they stay busy and keep doing tasks that have some purpose to them, then they will feel constantly motivated and constantly rewarded.

These can be simple tasks like making their bed, cleaning their room, washing dishes, running errands, and many other things that most people do every day. Working on a list of tasks each day is extra important for recovering addicts who are not working a job. They need something to keep them occupied and to stir them up with interest for the day ahead.

  1. Offer Rewards Carefully

Sometimes, the reward of a job well done is not enough, and it helps to have some kind of substantial reward to offer yourself as an addict or another person who is trying to recover from addiction. Rewards can include eating dessert, going for a walk, playing video games, or some other enjoyable experience. These should be given out after the completion of a set number of tasks and should be limited so that life is not all about the rewards. An addict is often someone who give sin to selfish motives, so you want to be careful about feeding a selfish mindset with constant rewards. However, rewards can be very stimulating and help to keep motivation high.

  1. Stick to a Schedule

Schedules help people to be disciplined and to stay motivated. A schedule gives you an idea of what is coming up, so you are not overwhelmed by the unexpected. It also gives you something to look forward to. It can be very helpful for a recovering addict to keep to a schedule, as it keeps them on track and keeps them out of trouble, but it also boosts their motivation.

With these tips, receiving addicts can find the help they need to stay motivated. If you or someone you care about is trying to quit addiction, be sure to consult a trained expert.





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