Supplementing vs. Diet – Is Opting for Both the Best Option?

Supplements have found their way into the mainstream: you can find various vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids on every store’s shelves. They’re easy to use, affordable, and are said to keep you in a good shape. Many people trust them, as well: a 2018 survey has revealed that over 75% of Americans use dietary supplements. You might have thought about getting them yourself, or even have several packs stocked in the kitchen. But are they really necessary?  

Can supplements help you? It is often said that various vitamins – for example, multivitamins, vitamin E, or D can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, or even premature death. Many people who take supplements do so to prevent getting ill, improve their health or lose weight. And while humans (and, actually, everyone) need vitamins and nutrients to stay healthy, the evidence about the benefits of supplements is mixed. 

 One of the main things that doctors accent when it comes to treating different diseases is a healthy diet. Why? Because you can get everything your body needs, from various foods – veggies, fruits, cereal grains, meat and fish, milk, and so on. And when everything’s balanced in your diet, you’ll naturally get all the essential nutrients. But can you replace some foods with supplements? Or should you add them to your diet? We’ve collected all the answers in this article. 

We’ve asked the experts from Better Body Co. (a probiotic manufacturer) about the basics of balancing your diet, and collected all the answers in this article. Want to learn more about supplements and healthy foods? Read on!

What Exactly Are Supplements? 

Dietary supplements are substances like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, or probiotics that are said to lower your risk of health problems. They come in various forms: pills, liquids, powders, and many more. They can be found in pharmacies as well as stores. They’re produced to help you get enough essential nutrients you might be missing. 

You don’t need a doctor’s prescription to get a dietary supplement; nevertheless, you might want to consider consulting them if you want to take any vitamins or other substances in order to prevent health issues. You should also remember that supplements are not medicine and can’t really treat anything.  

They also don’t help you lose weight – the best way to do it is by exercising regularly and eating healthy. If you experience any health issues that prevent you from losing weight, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor and review your diet – for example, you can try the best probiotic foods for weight loss – they help your gut produce good bacteria and, thus, work correctly.   

When Do You Need Supplements? 

You can’t replace a healthy diet with supplements – the vitamins and minerals in regular foods are easier to absorb for your body. Supplements are also not tested or regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, so you can’t be sure what’s actually in the pills you’re taking. So it’s important to find a reliable and trusted wholesale or private label supplement manufacturer. You should watch your dosage, too — overdoses of supplements are possible and can make you very sick. 

Nevertheless, sometimes people do need supplements, but only as an addition to a healthy diet. It can happen if you have specific health issues when your organism can’t get essential nutrients from the regular food – for example, Crohn’s disease or osteoporosis. You may also benefit from supplements if you have a restricted diet, eat fewer than two meals a day, or don’t have the time or resources to purchase and prepare healthy meals. Supplements can also do wonders for pregnant women who need all the nutrients they can get to nourish their body and the life growing inside of them. 

However, always consult your doctor before taking any supplements. They will advise you on what exactly it is that you need, the right dose, and possibly even the best form and brand, so you can be sure that you’re getting a trustworthy product. The doctor will also decide whether it’s safe for you to take supplements, especially if you have any chronic diseases.  

What To Take Instead of Supplements? 

Don’t try to eat specific products instead of supplements (for example, buy sweet carrots to get your daily dose of vitamin A) – it can become boring and stressful. Try to make your meals interesting and exciting – buy various foods, like veggies and fruits of different colors. Opt for peas and cereal grains, varieties of meat, fish, and milk products (or vegan replacements). Try to make your diet balanced and healthy, so there are different foods prepared in different ways on your table every day. 

A Final Note 

Supplements are becoming more and more popular every year, but it seems that their popularity is the effect of good marketing, and nothing else. There is little evidence that they can help you prevent scary diseases like cancer. The vitamins and minerals contained in regular foods are better absorbed by your body, so there’s no point in taking supplements if you’re healthy and have a balanced diet.  

However, if you have any health issues and your body doesn’t get enough nutrients, or you can’t follow a healthy diet for some reason, supplements can be a beneficial addition to your routine. Don’t forget to consult your doctor before purchasing or taking them, as they can sometimes be harmful, but don’t get scared. Supplements can help you, but only if there’s a need for them. Stay healthy and safe.  

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