Sponsored Post | What You Need for Thick Long Hair

 This post has been sponsored by Liquid-Plumr, but concerns my own opinion.

I never could understand what the big deal was about as a child.

Yes, I had long hair.

Yes, it was incredibly thick.

Yes, I used the shower daily.

Um, NOPE! The clog couldn’t have been from me.

Are you seriously going to try to pin that one on me?!

Now, I am the parent… with the clogged drains.

I have two girls with long hair and one with incredibly thick hair. You know the girl, the one with enough hair for three people.

Yep, that’s her.

Unfortunately when you have that much hair, you have that much more shedding that happens.

I swear she loses enough hair to cover a toddlers head almost every single day. I have proof all over my counter tops!

Typically when our drains slow we quickly get our little snake out. Unfortunately grossing out the girls with the slimy rats nest we pull out hasn’t decreased the occurrence of these clogs.

On the rare occasion our snake doesn’t work or if the children don’t tell us about the clog backing up until it’s too late, we turn to Liquid-Plumr® Hair Clog Eliminator™.

Liquid Plumr’s new video (below) has a funny take on the long and thick hair issue. It’s easy to use, saves you from extra dirty work and the plumber Beau is easy on the eyes.



  1. shelly peterson says

    I have never used to Liquid-Plumr Hair Clog Eliminator but I will have to give it a try with our next clog. Even though one daughter has moved out we still get clogged up tub and sink often.

  2. Sarah L says

    I keep my hair short because I swim 3 times a week. I’ll let my friend know about this.

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