Quick Tips to Caring for Your Familly When the Whole House is Sick

You get a call from the school to come to pick up your child because they’re not feeling well. You call off from work and rush to grab them and get them better. Only a day later your other children and your spouse wake up with the same symptoms. You’re the last man standing and everyone needs your love and care to get through. What in the world is a mom to do?

This happens to women a lot. Kids tend to get sick and like to share with the rest of the family leaving mom to save the day. How can you get this all done while managing to keep your health intact? It can be a bit tricky but here are some solutions to make it easier.

Visit a Virtual Doctor

Unless you want to have to make several different doctor’s appointments and sit all day in the waiting room it’s probably a good idea to try and locate a virtual doctor. These are medical professionals that offer services online. You visit through video chat and the doctor can review your symptoms and make a diagnosis. What’s even better is that you can get online prescriptions sent to your local pharmacy. This way you can pick everything up at once and get everyone home to start recovering.

Put Everyone in a Room

Having everyone in their individual bedrooms makes it more hectic for you. You’ll be running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to make sure everyone’s needs are met. Do yourself a favor and put everyone in the same area. You can use inflatable mattresses or the pull-out couch and put them all in the living room. This way you only have one place to stop to see what everyone needs.

To keep everyone entertained consider using technology. Your spouse can watch the television and your kids can take turns choosing shows or movies from a streaming device. Now there’s no arguing over what to watch.

Disinfect the Entire House

Germs and bacteria spread around the house before anyone in your family ever shows any symptoms of being sick. To keep yourself from getting sick and to speed up their recovery time it is ideal for you to clean and disinfect the entire house. Wipe down surfaces and knobs, spray the air for better quality, and try to keep your family in a designated area so they don’t contaminate the place again.

Up Your Vitamin C Intake

You have to keep your immune system up so that you don’t end up sick along with the rest of the family so it’s important to boost your vitamin C intake. You can drink a cup of orange juice, eat fruits high in vitamin c, take a supplement, or add vitamin C powder to your drink.

Stick to Quick Fix Meals

When your family isn’t feeling well chances are they’re not going to have much of an appetite. That being said, it is important that they try and eat something to regain their strength and recover. Don’t go through the trouble of making elaborate meals, however. Instead, simply make quick-fix meals. Soup is a great food choice when you’re not feeling well and it’s quick and easy to prepare.

Enlist Help

There’s nothing wrong with needing a little help taking care of your family. Reach out to friends or relatives to ask if they wouldn’t mind pitching in. They don’t have to tend to the family’s immediate needs, but they can help you with other obligations. Perhaps you need someone to go to the pharmacy, run an errand to get things your kids need, or grocery store. You might need help with doing laundry and keeping up with meals. Whatever your needs are, surely you have a friend or relative willing to help you out.

Take Care of You

You can’t be so busy running around for your family that you neglect your own needs. As you care for them, make sure you’re also taking care of yourself. This means getting plenty of sleep, eating a well-balanced meal, and relieving as much stress as you can until everyone is back on their feet.

It can be really insane when your entire house gets sick, but when you have smaller children it tends to happen quite often. Rather than panic or stress yourself out to the max, employ some of the tips suggested above to take care of your family and yourself until everyone has recovered.

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