Photo A Day | Day 5 | B&W | #SimplySassySnaps

Today’s theme was B&W

I snapped this of the two kids playing outside yesterday. They were so happy to finally get outside without a blast oven smacking them in the face. Funny how 90 degrees feels cool after a long wave of 100+.


I also wanted to share two of my favorite B&W photos I’ve taken of the kids. I like to add a touch of color into the B&W. The first is of Emma at the beginning of January… before we grew her bangs out.

Screen shot 2012-07-13 at 12.43.23 PM

This is Emma’s first pair of ballet slippers.


Do you have a photo a day or just a photo you’d like to link up?


  1. Gorgeous! I love the color that was added.

  2. Juli Guthrie says

    I love black and white photos! Very cute pictures!

  3. B&W are my favorite 🙂

  4. dreadedjaws says

    what a couple of cuties! I adore the ballet shoes snap and may have to borrow that idea and do it with my little girl – thanks for the idea!

  5. Nice!!! I like the second one best!!!

  6. Stephanie says

    so cute i love black and white photos

  7. karla-rae says

    Very cute 🙂 I love the one of them in their cars!

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