Our Family Is Growing!

Last week my husband and I decided that it was time to open our home to a dog again.

It had been several years since our beloved Daisy May Wildflower passed and now that Emma and Ethan were older, they were asking for one. We knew they were finally at an age to help take care of one.

We visited several local shelters and came across this little girl at Wayside Waifs.

Because she came in as a stray, she didn’t have a name. The shelter had named her Franny. She is a 1 year old Jack Russell Terrier / Chihuahua mix.


It only take a few minutes into our meeting with her to realize she was meant to come home with us.

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Although she was a bit skittish the first week, we knew that if we hung in there things would get better (at least we hoped!).

With lots of love and tons of patience, Zoey (yep, we changed her name) slowly opened up.


Zoey is now sleeping through the night, enjoying long walks and car rides, trying to get our kitties to play with her and spending plenty of time snuggling.


So here are the first of (I’m sure) many photos of our Zoey.

If you are planning on adding a furry friend to your family… please consider your local shelters. I was heartbroken by just how many animals were there and I felt the need to stop and give every single one attention.

 Have you adopted from a local shelter or rescue? Tell us about your furry friend!



  1. She’s super cute. A dog is so wonderful for the kids!

  2. Barbara Montag says

    Zoey is so sweet – thanks for sharing the pics!

  3. shelly peterson says

    Aww congratulations on your new family member! I bet the kids are so excited!

  4. Rosie says

    Very cute!!! a heart stealer! One of my relatives has a Jack Russell, and she was just telling me how they often have very long life spans! I would love to have a doggie like this! No pets allowed where I am, maybe someday.

  5. Christina Foley says

    all of our pets have come from shelters or rescues. We lost our dog in 2011 and it took me 3 years to feel ready to bring a new dog into our home. I thought I knew what kind of dog I wanted, but then came along this sweet little JRT mix and stole all of our hearts, she really did pick us. Of course, she ended up not being able to adjust to being an only dog home (we gave it six weeks) so we started to foster for the rescue she came from. That was a year ago, our 2nd foster Minnie fell completely in love with – she cried all day the day Tucker went to be spayed. We all loved Tucker too so she became our “foster failure”. We also were so in love with what this rescue did and stood for, we’ve continued to foster so we’ve had many puppies and dogs come through our home over the past year. I volunteer a lot with my 2 oldest also at events and rescue intakes. Its been a great experience.

  6. Richard Hicks says

    Your new family member is sweet and adorable. It will be no time before she rules the house. LOL!

  7. Jackie says

    Congratulations! She is really cute. Enjoy her!

  8. Sarah L says

    Very cute puppy. I believe that shelters are the best place to find a pet.

  9. Rebecca Parsons says

    Aww I would love to have another family member! Congrats she is adorable.

  10. Amy Orvin says

    I am so happy for you! She is beautiful! Shelter dogs are the biggest lovers in the world. She will give you lots of love and joy for many , many years.

  11. vickie couturier says

    what a sweet looking little dog,,so glad you gave her a new home

  12. Congratulations on your special new family member. We got Harvey from a local shelter event when he was just nine weeks old. When I entered his pen his twin brother could not have cared less but Harvey was ecstatic. We knew right away he was meant to be a part of our family and will celebrate his fourth birthday next month!

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