I’m Testing The Tria Hair Removal Laser!

I am so excited to tell you that I have joined the 2012 Tria Beauty Blogger Review Program and I will be testing the Tria Hair Removal Laser!

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Tria Beauty is a skin care company that manufactures revolutionary light-based skincare products that bring professional technology out of the doctor’s clinic and into your home.

The FDA-cleared Tria Hair Removal Laser uses the same laser technology used by professionals for in-office laser hair removal for permanent results at home. The Tria Hair Removal Laser’s design, features and performance ensure that it’s convenient and easy to use in the comfort and privacy of your own home. You can free yourself from the endless hassles of shaving and waxing. The Hair Removal Laser has been approved for the bikini line, legs, arms, back and stomach…. that’s a lot of hair to remove!

I am one of those women that has to shave every day. I have always been jealous of my friends that shaved every 3-5 days only because of stubble. I swear I get five o’clock shadow on my legs! That will probably be one of the first areas I tackle.

Over the next six months I will be sharing my experiences on a monthly basis as I use the system once every two weeks over the course of the next six months. The most exciting part of all of this, though, is that Tria Beauty has agreed to give a Hair Removal Laser (RV $395) to one of OurKidsMom’s readers towards the end of my treatment!

So, it’s here… it’s charging… and I am excited to use it! Stay tuned… I will share all the details soon.


  1. CANNOT wait for the giveaway!!! I’ve been using an epilady becuase the last four times I’ve shaved I have gotten MAJOR razor burn.

  2. M Sonntag says

    I would love to try this. 5 o’clock shadow indeed!

  3. Lyn says

    How exciting! Hoping the system works well. How I would love not to have to shave every day.

  4. I would do my legs for sure!

  5. Nancy says

    Finally, something that may work…I was always worried I would grow up to be like my mom…Nope! I have a beard growing as fast as my dad did! The hair on my head should grow so fast!

  6. Wow! I have problems having to shave all the time! This product looks like it will work on not having to shave every day! I would like a product to help me not to have to shave so much. I can not wait for the giveaway!

  7. Leslie Galloway says

    Oh… I am so jealous!… I’d kill to have laser hair removal. Can’t wait to read how it goes, and then enter to win!

    Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (www.facebook.com/GallowayLeslie)

  8. Krys R says

    Looking forward to hearing more about this!

  9. I would like to know if it removes facial hair as well?

    • Hi Diane,

      It is only FDA approved for neck down. I’m fairly certain that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work on the face, it’s just not FDA approved for it yet.

  10. Kim says

    I want to know if it hurts. Always my first question! Sounds like a fun review!

    • Kim,

      There are five “levels” on the laser. Each level has a little more heat and I can handle up to a 3 on my legs. At 4 & 5 it kind of feels like a little needle prick. It’s not bad, but for my entire leg I know I can’t handle it. As the hair diminishes I am supposed to be able to move the setting up. I already notice less hair, not a lot but less. After my next treatment (they are every 2 weeks) I am supposed to notice a 70% reduction in hair and the rest should be finer. *fingers crossed*!

  11. Ashley says

    At home laser hair removal?? Awesome! Maybe I should invest in one!

  12. Jodie A says

    I’m looking forward to the updates! Would love to not be shaving on a daily basis.

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