How to Get Back in Shape After Pregnancy

Having a baby changes you both mentally and physically. You’re now a mom with precious cargo, so your main thoughts are taking care of your child. But when it comes time to get back in shape, you might not know how to get started. Everywhere you look, you see celebrities bouncing back to their pre-baby bodies in record time. Getting back in shape after being pregnant isn’t hard as much as it just takes time and dedication. Here’s some of the easiest ways to slim down after pregnancy. 


Once cleared by your obstetrician, walking is the easiest way to lose weight. It’s a low impact exercise that you can do year-round, and you can take your baby with you. If you had a vaginal birth, you can probably start walking for exercise a week or two after you come from the hospital. If you had a cesarean, you need proper medical clearance prior to getting started. Once you’re given the green light, try to walk 30 minutes each day to reach 10,000 steps. 


In addition to your diet, breastfeeding plays a huge role in weight loss postpartum. In fact, breastfeeding alone can burn extra calories, which expedites weight loss. If you’re breastfeeding, you should try to consume no less than 1,800 calories a day to have adequate milk supply. 

Embrace Downtime 

In between late-night feedings and hormone fluctuations, it’s normal to feel fatigued. You need to embrace your downtime and give yourself time to recharge your batteries. In addition to catching up on sleep, you need to practice self-care. This looks different for everyone, so don’t think you need to follow what new baby blogs claim to be the answer. For example, some new moms get a facial or massage while others might use dry herbs or cannabis to relax. If you fall into the latter category, you should try the Mighty vape. It has a long battery and easily fits into your purse. 

Bursts of Cardio 

In addition to walking, you should also include bursts of higher intensity cardio into your daily routine. Starting sets of squats, lunges and push-ups, you should do as many as possible for five to 10 minutes. As your strength and endurance increase, you can increase both frequency and duration of these super sets. Since exercise has a cumulative effect, you can still reach your fitness goals when exercising incrementally. You can also perform sets of Pilates or Barre moves, which focus on your core muscles. Your focus should be on creating long, lean lines with gentle movements. Finally, don’t forget to perform strength training at least three times a week. 

Ab Exercises after Pregnancy
After pregnancy, abdominal exercises are crucial for restoring core strength and addressing conditions like diastasis recti. Gentle exercises, such as pelvic tilts and deep belly breathing, help re-engage the transverse abdominis, the deep core muscles that support the abdomen. Strengthening these muscles through ab exercises for diastasis recti can reduce the separation of abdominal muscles, improve posture, and alleviate lower back pain. Consistent practice of tailored ab exercises promotes overall core stability, aiding in the recovery of muscle tone and function. Proper guidance ensures these exercises are performed safely, enhancing postpartum recovery and well-being.

Accept Yourself 

It’s important to note that while many women return to their pre-pregnancy shape, equally as many don’t. You might find that your hips are a little wider or your stomach isn’t as flat as it was before. Don’t let these changes stop you from working out. You carried your baby for nine months and brought new life into the world. Be gentle with yourself and accept any physical changes as something to be proud of, not ashamed. 

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