Four Ways to Help Ease Baby Gas at Home

The joys of parenthood come with a bundle of challenges, and managing your baby’s gas may be one of them. While a little burping is typical, excessive gas can turn those happy gurgles into cries and fussiness. Let’s explore potential indicators of a gassy baby and some tips to bring back the smiles. 

Common indicators of a gassy baby 

Burps and flatulence are the audible indicators of gas, but it can be harder to figure out if your baby has uncomfortable air bubbles trapped in their belly. Watch for the following behavioral and physical indicators that may point to gassiness. 

Excessive spit-up  

Excessive spit-up after feeding may be more than a bit messy—it can also be a sign of gas.  

Spitting up a couple of mouthfuls of breast milk or formula is typical, and usually harmless, in healthy babies. However, if the spit-up becomes excessive, it could indicate that your little one is swallowing air during feedings. 

Air swallowing is a frequent cause of gas build-up that can lead to more frequent spit-ups. If you’re ever concerned about how much your baby is spitting up, contact your healthcare provider for guidance. 


If your baby’s abdomen feels firm and bloated, and your little one seems uncomfortable, gas could be the culprit. 

Frequent burping 

While burping is a natural method for babies to expel gas, excessive burping, especially accompanied by spit-up, could suggest a larger-than-usual amount of gas needs to be released. 

Nighttime crying  

If your baby is crying more than usual at night, and it’s not due to hunger or a dirty diaper, it might be due to gas discomfort. Movement helps babies pass gas naturally; since babies move less at night, those air bubbles can build up. And it is a cycle—as your baby cries, they may swallow air, which can lead to more gas. 


Colic is a term used to describe a pattern of excessive, intense, and often inconsolable crying in otherwise healthy infants. It’s characterized by: 

  • Prolonged crying: Your baby has episodes of crying for more than three hours a day, for at least three days a week, for at least three weeks. 
  • Inconsolability: The crying is often difficult to soothe, even with feeding, rocking, or other typical calming techniques. 
  • No apparent cause: There’s no identifiable medical reason for the crying, such as hunger, illness, or injury. 
  • Occurs in healthy babies: Colic typically affects babies who are otherwise healthy and growing well. 

Colic is also indicated by the following: 

  • Gassiness 
  • Swollen, tight, bloated belly 
  • Arched back and clenched fists 
  • Drawing their knees up to their belly 

Strategies for easing gas 

While you should always speak to your pediatrician about any concerns with your baby’s health and well-being, there are some things you can do at home to help ease your little one’s gas 

1. Burp more often 

One way to ease gas discomfort is by burping your baby more often. It’s advisable to burp your baby during and after each feeding. 

What technique should you use? There’s no single “right” way to burp your baby. The most important thing is to find a position that feels comfortable and secure for you both and to be patient and encouraging. Keep a burp cloth handy and explore these different techniques: 

  • Shoulder snuggle: Cradle your baby against your chest with their head nestled on your shoulder. Gently pat and rub their back, starting at the lower part and moving upwards.  
  • Lap time: This works well for both wide-awake and sleepy babies. Sit your little one on your lap, facing away from you, and offer support with one hand on their chest and head. Use your other hand to gently pat their back, focusing on the area between their shoulder blades and avoiding the throat. 
  • Tummy time: Lie your baby flat on their belly on your lap with their head slightly elevated. Support their head with your arm and gently rub or pat their back in a circular motion.  

2. Try different feeding techniques  

Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, changing your feeding technique may help ease your baby’s gassy tummy troubles. 

Get the proper latch  

Ensuring a proper latch during breastfeeding can help your baby avoid swallowing excess air. Here are some tips: 

  • Your baby’s mouth should be open wide enough to encompass the areola. 
  • Their chin should be buried against your breast, pressing it toward your chest wall.  
  • The baby’s lips should be flanged outwards. This creates a seal to avoid air intake. 

If you’re uncertain about your baby’s latch, a lactification consultant can be an excellent resource. 

Use the correct angles  

When bottle feeding, tilt the bottle to ensure the bottle nipple is filled with milk or formula, not air. Also, keeping your baby’s head elevated at a 45-degree angle during feeding, either in your arms or propped up with a pillow, helps keep milk or formula from flowing too quickly, minimizing air intake while feeding. 

Let the formula settle before feeding 

If you’re using powdered formula, let it settle after mixing before feeding it to your baby. This technique lessens the number of air bubbles in the formula, leading to less gas in your baby’s tummy. 

Consider specialized bottle designs 

Vented, angled, and collapsible bottles are designed to minimize air swallowing during feeding.  

Talk to your doctor about switching to a formula tailored to ease gas issues 

If you’re formula feeding, it might not be the feeding technique; it could be the formula itself contributing to your baby’s gas. Talk to your pediatrician about using a formula specially designed for sensitive tummies. These formulas have easy-to-digest proteins that may help ease gas troubles, fussiness, and crying. Don’t change formulas without speaking to your healthcare provider.  

3. Get moving 

Light movement can stimulate your baby’s digestive system and release trapped gas bubbles. You can try gently massaging your baby’s belly or moving their little legs in a bicycle motion. 

4. Tummy Time  

Tummy time, which strengthens your baby’s neck and shoulder muscles, can also be effective at lessening gas. Placing your awake baby on their belly applies gentle pressure that may help expel those air bubbles. These are three common tummy time positions: 

  • Tummy to chest: Cuddle with baby face-down on your chest, head turned slightly. 
  • Tummy down carry: Hold baby like a football, belly against your forearm, head supported by hand. 
  • Floor tummy time: Place baby face-down on a flat surface, arms free to explore. Start with short periods of time, gradually increasing as they get stronger. 

When to call your pediatrician about your baby’s gas 

It’s typical for a baby to be a bit gassy. Their digestive system is still getting the hang of processing and absorbing nutrients. Plus, their gut microbiome, packed with trillions of beneficial bacteria that play an important role in digestion, is still growing. Try to be patient, and take heart; this gassy phase generally eases by the time they’re four to six months old 

As always, talk to your pediatrician about any of your concerns, especially if you notice your baby is: 

  • Not gaining weight  
  • Refusing to eat 
  • Experiencing diarrhea or a rash 
  • Vomiting 

These signs could indicate a potential food sensitivity or allergy, such as an allergy to the protein in cow’s milk. Your pediatrician can evaluate your baby and provide professional guidance on your next steps.  

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