Best Ways to Cope With a Sick Pet 

When we get our first pet, we don’t necessarily think about sickness and old age. We just want to spend time with our new best friend and create lasting memories. But as you’ll soon realize, debilitating conditions are part of the package. Sooner or later, you’ll have to deal with a dog or a cat that’s close to dying.   

You’ll experience a roller-coaster of emotions in these situations, often leading to enormous stress. Having to cope with a pet that is close to dying is extremely hard, especially for kids. Just seeing those sad puppy eyes will bring you to the edge of the tears over and over again. 

To make matters worse, many pet owners blame themselves for the animal’s condition. They put a burden of responsibility on their shoulders, thus worsening an already dire situation. So, to help you avoid these common traps, we’ll share a few tricks that help you cope in these situations. 

  • Stop Blaming Yourself  

The first and probably most important thing is to stop blaming yourself for the situation. Many owners beat themselves up because they didn’t give their cats medicine or time, or perhaps they didn’t react properly in a particular situation.  

Keep in mind that we’re all human, and even if this isn’t your first pet, you’re allowed to make mistakes. Blaming yourself for an elderly pet’s health is especially damaging to your body and mind. You should never forget that all pets will die sooner than later, so your priority is to provide them with a good home and life. 

  • Organize the Treatment Schedule 

Although you can never have complete control over what’s happening to your pet, you can try some things to improve the results. A masterful trick is using spreadsheets for meds that will help you track and manage the treatment. You can even use scheduling software to track your urine, blood, bowel movements, and other changes over time. 

If you want to collect more information and try to improve results, you can keep a diary. Track how your pet felt over time and how it reacted to different drugs and food. Share this information with your vet in an attempt to improve treatment.  

  • Hire Help  

Whether we’re talking about routine checkups or urgent care for dogs, you must hire the best possible expert. Spend time analyzing the local market and available vets to find the ideal one for your pets. But assisting a sick, elderly dog goes beyond medical treatments. 

You can also hire a few other people to help you out on a daily basis. For example, if your dog needs more frequent potty breaks, getting a sitter isn’t a bad idea. That way, you can meet all your pet’s needs without suffering too much stress. This is especially vital if you have a packed schedule and can’t take care of your cat or dog the way you should. 

In some drastic cases, owners even hire assistants from their local vet clinic. These professionals serve as a type of stay-at-home nurses helping administer fluids and monitoring drug responses. While some people might consider this extreme, it definitely beats guilty conscious. 

  • Don’t Try to Be Perfect 

Another reason people get stressed is that they try to care too much. They want everything to be perfect around the pet and around the house. For example, they will try to maintain the same potty routine even if their dog can’t hold liquids inside.  

In these situations, you must be realistic and let go of your everyday routine. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t provide the necessary assistance or if you don’t have enough money for premier food. Remember that while your pet is a part of the family, that doesn’t mean you should die for it.  

  • Find Time for Yourself 

People often feel burnout in these situations because they stop taking care of themselves and focus all their attention on their pets. They go overboard with helping, sacrificing their health in the process. Always remember that you’re doing yourself and the animal a disservice if you get sick during this time. 

Some of these pet conditions can last for months, during which owners stay locked inside. You need to do things for yourself, such as going to massage parlors, getting your workout in, and grabbing a drink with friends. Not only will this reduce your stress levels, but it will also restore your energy, thus allowing you to help the pet when it needs your assistance.  

  • Remember Good Times 

As your pet slowly starts waning away, you need to remember all the good times you’ve had together. This is perhaps the best trick for coping with eventual passing, as it allows you to commemorate the animal the right way.  


Seeing your pet in a poor condition is an excruciating experience. Many people have trouble coping with the sickness, causing them to get sick themselves. 

Still, no matter what happens to your loved one, you need to keep your chin up. Follow the tricks in this article to eliminate daily stress and prepare for the potential loss of a friend.  

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