Samples received. All opinions are my own.
My second oldest is heading back for his third year in college…. where did the time go?!
One of the most important things we’ve learned is that, especially in the dorms, a good night’s sleep is hard to get. Finding products to send back with him to help him sleep better will improve his concentration, memory and overall mood.
Fortunately I found several Therapedic® products online at Bed, Bath & Beyond that do a fantastic job with making his bed away from home more comfortable:

Therapedic® 500 Thread Count Mattress Pad with Tencel
With the highest thread count available for Therapedic Mattress Pads and 15 oz. of Tencel® Lyocell Fiberfill, this cotton mattress pad provides the ultimate comfort experience. ClearFresh™ Odor Eliminator with stain repellent continuously refreshes fabric and helps eliminate odors. The Tencel® Lyocell fiberfill features thermo regulatory qualities to help keep your body at a comfortable temperature all year long. Twin XL measures 80″ L x 39″ W x .25″ H. Twin XL MSRP: $74.99.

Being away from home is a hard enough adjustment. Creating a comfortable space for them to relax, rest and rejuvenate is important! Fortunately Therapedic® has the solutions!
Connect with Therapedic:
You can purchase these Theapedic items online at Bed, Bath & Beyond
ONE OurKidsMom reader is going to win a queen sized Therapedic® Sheet Set with TheraFit® !
This giveaway ends at 11:59 PM EST on September 9, 2017.
I want the Backsense mattress
I would love the Therapedic 4-Inch Dual Season Mattress Topper.
Have a variety of things. And good for our backs also.
I love the Super Hybrid Tommy Bahama mattresses! And I’d love to have one!
I could use some nice sheets.
I need this so bad for myself. Have a lot of back and neck issues.
Backsense mattress
I would love to get the Tommy Bahama Super Hybrid mattress. High quality!
Tommy Bahama mattress – who knew they had mattresses!
I’d like to try out the Therapedic® Luxury Quilted Deluxe 3-Inch Memory Foam Bed Topper
They source suppliers globally for quality materials to build the most comfortable mattresses and sleep products that can be found almost anywhere in the world..
Oh I would love the Therapedic® Elite 3-Inch Lumagel Memory Foam Mattress Topper
love the pillow
Visited the site and I like the Therapedic® Heated Mattress Pad
I like the Bravura Super Hybrid Mattress.
I like this brand features HourGlass Back Support® technology.
Oh how I would love the Stay Cool From Dusk Till Dawn queen mattress. wowowow
I entered the Honeycomb giveaway
i learned about the hour glass back support. this would be great for my hubby because he has to sleep on his side.
I would love the heated mattress pad for our cold winters!
I like the Therapedic® Electric Heated Silky Plush Throw Blanket.
I would like to get Therapedic’s Ultimate Comfort Plush Heated Blanket
I would love to the Therapedic® Ultimate Comfort Plush Heated Blanket.
I really want the Therapedic® Classic Contour Bed Pillow.
I like the Therapedic® Heated Mattress Pad
Comfort heated blanket would be awesome
I would like to try the Backsense mattress.
I would love to have the Ultimate Comfort Plush Heated Blanket:)
The PureTouch mattress looks so comfortable and thick.
I would love to have some of the Silky Plush Warming Blankets.
Those mattresses would be perfect for me.
I’d love the backsense mattress!
Backsense mattree looks great
I want to try the EcoGel2 mattress.
I would love to have the Therapedic 4-Inch Dual Season Mattress Topper.
I’d like an out of this world comfort mattress to help my back when I sleep
I’d like to try out the Therapedic® Luxury Quilted Deluxe 3-Inch Memory Foam Bed Topper
I like the hybrid matresses.
I’d LOVE to have the PureTouch specialty mattress. I have such a hard night’s sleep with my back. 🙁
The Back/Stomach Sleeper Pillow really caught my eye. Since it makes for a cooler sleep, it would be perfect for my husband (who likes it cooler at night for a good rest).
I would like some new sheets
I really love the mattress topper for my new bed.
I would love to try the Tony Bahama super hybrid mattress. It looks so comfortable.
I love that this company, Therapedic is a smaller brand that is committed to excellent customer satisfaction.
I like the Therawrap mattress because of the reduced side to side motion.
So many products! I would love the Tommy Bahama Super Hybrid mattress to help with my back pain!
I learned that keeping your bedding clean is simple with the use of a protective mattress pad. Vacuuming is the only recommended cleaning method. Thanks.
I really like the Therapedic® Invista® Memorelle® Fiber Side Sleeper Pillow In White the most. Would love to have one!
I like the Comfort Plush Heated Blanket.
I would love to have the EcoGel2 mattress.
I love the steps they give you to choosing your mattress
I would love to have the Therapedic® 4-Inch Dual Season Mattress Topper.
I like the picking a mattress section. The bullet points make it easy to navigate.
Tommy Bahama Mattress, I never knew Tommy Bahama had mattresses.
I would like the comfort plus heated blanket and the heated mattress pad. It gets breezy and chilly here!
I like the Therapedic® Heated Mattress Pad!!
I learned you really have to consider or test a variety of models and talk to a lot of people before you can narrow down your choices.
I need something like a new pillow or mattress or both, i dont sleep good at all
I would love the Therapeutic heated mattress pad…
ecogel2 mattress or memorytouch-deluxe-luxury-quilted-memory-foam-mattress-topper
the tru cool memory foam pillow
I would love the Therapedic 4-inch dual season mattress topper because I really need a new mattress topper and a 4-inch one sounds divine!
comfy and cool!
Would love a mattress topper.
The stuff all looks great and comfy. I would love one of their mattress toppers and new sheets
I learned that they give you some great tips of how and when to get a new mattress.
Could really use the mattress or topper.
i would love the Therapedic® Invista Memorelle Pillows
I would thoroughly enjoy the Therapedic® Electric Heated Silky Plush Throw Blanket because I stay cold when I try to watch TV in our downstairs living room. It’s chilly and drafty. I could have my own warm piece of heaven!
The PureTouch Matress looks amazing.
I entered the Honeycomb giveaway.
Learned that Therapedic even has pet beds too.
I want the Therapedic® Oversized Foam Backrest for my sophomore-in-college granddaughter. She suffers with scoliosis and kyphosis and I think this product would provide her with perfect support when studying in bed.
Would love a mattress topper for my son’s bed in his dorm room! Those beds are terrible!
Therapedic Mattress Pads have a clear fresh odor eliminator. Now that is amazing.
I learn how to sleep better!
I love the hybrid mattresses with the individually wrapped coils and free floating foam. I especially love the products you’ve covered here though as my daughter is going off to college and she has a bad back and these would all help her immensely. Thanks for the chance to win!
I like their sleep tips on the website
I did not know that Therapedic had sheet sets and such. I’d love to have the Therapedic® 500tc Long Staple Cotton Mattress Pad.
That foam mattress ?
I could use a new mattress. I like the “Back Sense” mattress.
OOoh, I like and want the Therapedic® Reading Wedge Pillow With Knit Cover. I am always bed reading and it gets uncomfortable
So many awesome products. I would love to try out the Therapedic® Round Memory Foam Pet Bed in Charcoal for my big boy Bentley. I am sure he would love it!
I’m a huge fan of anything tommy bahama..therefore, I’m sure the mattress would be awesome!
#1 Brand Alternative
We are smaller than the big brands, which allows us to be more responsive to you — our customers. Yet, we have a strong reputation, giving our brand the credibility that off-brands cannot match.
Thanks for the contest.
I learned that only Therapedic features the HourGlass Back Support! Sounds so comfortable. I need this!
I really like the Therapedic Silky Plush Heated throw blankets! just right to keep warm in the chair or on my bed!
So much product what could improve my sleep skills. 🙂
I like the Bravura Super Hybrid Mattress.
I love the sheet sets they look like they would feel very soft. I saw on their site that they also carry Tyler Therapedic Chair Pads in 5 colors.
I like the Therapeutic 4-Inch Dual Season Mattress Topper
I’d love the Therapedic® 4-Inch Dual Season Mattress Topper!
I really like the Therapedic® Pure Sensation Mattress Pad. I’ve never seen one like this!
I learned that Therapedic is the #1 Bedding Brand Alternative.
I would like to have the Therapedic® Heated Mattress Pad.
They have all I need to good sleep on their site.
I would love to try their Therapedic® Invista Memorelle Pillows, I’ve been looking for just the right pillow for a good nights sleep!
Would love to have the Heated mattress pad.
I clicked the Enter another giveaway, but there aren’t any others open.
I would love the therapedic memory foam back rest. I have a bad back and this would be great for the nights I cant sleep and watch tv
I want the tommy bahama hybrid mattress
Nice to know that they have pillows as well as mattresses and bedding – A one stop shop!
I learned that the Therapedic features the HourGlass Back Support
sending a teen off to college this week , nice to know they carry twin XL mattress toppers
They have a lot of different items- makes me want a new mattress or at least a mattress topper
I like the Therapedic 2-Inch Memory Gel Mattress Enhancer.
They have everything sleep related — even pet beds!
Their HourGlass Back Support® increases support firmness by 18% at the shoulders and hips and 13% at the lumbar area.
Therapedic® by Sunbeam® Electric Heated Queen Quilted Mattress Pad
I learned that the Better Sleep Council recommends purchasing the highest-quality sleep set one can afford and replacing your mattress about every 7 years.
I really like the therapeudic slippers!
I like the Therapedic Rectangular Memory Foam Pet Bed In Charcoal
I enjoyed learning about the hourglass back support since I have back issues and it sounds very beneficial
did not realize such a difference in thread count would love some sot feeling sheets
I like the Therapedic® Round Memory Foam Pet Bed in Charcoal. Maybe the dogs would stop pulling the comforter off the bed!
I would love the heated mattress pad during the winter. It gets so cold.
I’d learned about the HourGlass Back Support that increases support firmness at the shoulders and lumbar area.
I really want the Therapedic® Classic Contour Bed Pillow I could really wrap myself up round it
I like the Therapedic® Warm Me Up Electric Heated Wrap! I would love it for my chilly office!
I like the Therapedic® Ultimate Comfort Plush Heated Blanket.
I would love to have the Therapedic Reading Wedge Pillow with Knit Cover. I have had two major surgeries on my back in the past year. OUCH ! I have to lean against a pillow and this would be a great one.
Therapedic® Electric Heated Silky Plush Throw Blanket
I like their 25 tips for a better night’s sleep.
I would love a mattress topper! Great range of products!
I like that Therapedic uses Rollator Testing on their mattresses for durability.
i need a new mattress very badly. i like the Medicoil® HD mattress.
i like the Therapedic® Classic Comfort Pillow.
Nice items .
I LIKE THE Therapedic® Invista® Memorelle® Fiber Back/Stomach Sleeper Pillow In White 🙂
I could honestly spend my whole paycheck on these items! I want one of everything!
I learned mattresses should be replaced every seven years.
I would love one of thier mattresses. I really need a new one.
I visited the website, and I learned how to choose a mattress.
Thank you for the chance to win!
I really want a Mattress topper, they sound nice
I want the Therapedic® TruCool® Side Sleeper Memory Foam Bed Pillow!
Bravura Super Hybrid Mattress i liike seems it would help me
I totally need new sheets
Therapedic® Electric Heated Silky Plush Throw Blanket, with fibromylgia i need this..
I would love one of the Therapedic® Classic Contour Bed Pillow.
I learned that Therapedic has pet beds available exclusively at Bed Bath and Beyond.
The Eco Gel mattress would be good.
I like the Tommy Bahama mattress collection.
#1 Bedding Brand Alternative!
i would really love to get the Therapedic’s Ultimate Comfort Plush Heated Blanket
I want the Tommy Bahama super hybrid bed!
I also really like the Therapedic® 42″ x 30″ Rectangular Memory Foam Pet Bed in Charcoal
I like the variety of heating products.
Side Sleep Pillow!
HourGlass Back Support® increases support firmness by 18% at the shoulders and hips and 13% at the lumbar area.
I learned there are many things to consider when purchasing a new bed. These beds look really comfy.
I’d love to get the therapeutic pet bed for my furbaby.
I like the Therapedic® Round Memory Foam Pet Bed In Charcoal.
I like the Therapedic® Reading Wedge Pillow with Knit Cover because it would help me read comfortably in bed.
I learned how to pick a mattress!
I need a new mattress and I’d love to get the Hybrid Tommy Bahama mattresses.
I would love to get my furbaby a rectangle memory foam pet bed in charcoal 🙂
I’m curious about the Tommy Bahama Super Hybrid mattress.
I like the tommy-bahama-hybrid mattress
I would love to have the Therapedic® Classic Contour Bed Pillow
I like the Tommy Bahama Super Hybrid Mattress
I learned that your products are only available at Bed Bath & Beyond!
I learned that they use quality materials from all over the world.
I didn’t realize they made such fancy beds for pets! So cute and worth it!
I learn it has a hourglass back support
Therapedic® Invista® Memorelle® Fiber Side Sleeper Pillow In White perfect for me, I am a side sleeper.
I learned that they sell pet beds too. And I found one that I like. It is the Therapedic® Round Memory Foam Pet Bed In Charcoal. Very nice!
The hourglass back support sounds great!
Our mattress is wore out so the Therapedic® Luxury Quilted Deluxe 3-Inch Memory Foam Bed Topper would be great.
I love the hourglass back technology
I would like the Therapedic Electric Heated Silky Plush Throw Blanket.
I would like the Therapedic MemoryTouch® Neck Pillow.
I really like the therapeutic chair cushion. It is made with memory foam to form to your body shape . Great for sitting long periods of time. Comes in a lit of colors too. My favorite is the charcoal gray.
Thank You! You have the whole bed makeover happening, sheets, pillow, back rest, memory form topper Therapedic here I come!
I learned that Therapedic has been awarded numerous patents, both here and abroad.
I like the Tommy Bahama Innerspring Mattress
I like the Therapedic® Classic Comfort Pillow
I have been shopping around for a mattress. I like their STAY COOL FROM DUSK TILL DAWN mattress.
wow the hybrid mattress would be amazing from tony bahama and or the stay cool from dusk til dawn
I learned they sell pet beds!
I definitely think the Therapedic® Luxury Quilted Deluxe 3-Inch Memory Foam Bed Topper would make me sleep much better!
I like the Round Memory Foam Pet Bed in Charcoal
The heated mattress pad would be amazing!
I like the Therapedic 4-Inch Dual Season Mattress Topper.
I could really use the Therapedic 3″ Deluxe Quilted Memory Foam Mattress Topper! My poor bed is so old and I know that would be such a life changer. I miss sleeping through the night!
I learned that Support comes from the base or inner core of the mattress. It may be firmer or more yielding depending on the construction.
Comfort is more a factor of the layers above the core – foam, padding, memory foam, specialty foams, and/or latex – each creating a different comfort level and the most subjective and personal element of the buying decision.
We like the Therapedic Invista Memorelle Fiber Side Sleeper Pillow !