Affordable, Toddler-Safe Holiday Decorations

Affordable, Toddler-Safe Holiday Decorations

In the midst of holiday excitement, it can be easy to forget that some decorations are dangerous to children. Toddlers are particularly at risk for choking hazards, intestinal blockages, and poisoning from traditional holiday decor. Homemade or toddler-proof decorations present attractive, low-cost alternatives.

Useful Decorative Substitutes

Wide-Angle-5MM-LED-Christmas-Lights-Premium-IMG_7920To prevent burns, substitute cool-burning LED lights for traditional twinkly lights.[1] Consider electric candles so there’s no open flames around your little one.[2] Keep sentimental family decorations packed away. Unbreakable ornaments are inexpensive — 40 cost $10 at Bed Bath and Beyond online — and attractive alternatives your toddler can’t chew or shatter.[1]

Toddler-Safe Decorations

Making your own decorations is fun, low-cost and a much safer alternative to store- bought ornaments. Try making: – Paper cutouts – Christmas cards – Felt shapes – Pompoms – Knitted ornaments[3]

Steer Clear of Small Candies

Hard candies, like peppermints, present choking hazards. Keep them out of toddlers’ reach or skip them altogether.[1] That’s one less item on your budget.

Plants to Avoid

Some holiday plants are toxic, including holly, ivy, and mistletoe. Poinsettias, while not as dangerous, can still cause mild stomach ache, vomiting, or diarrhea. Try making plants out of paper instead. It’s fun, inexpensive, and requires no require watering.[4]

If You Have a Christmas Tree

Christmas trees present a tempting hazard. Opt for a shorter tree: they’re harder to knock over and often less expensive. Even if you have a small tree, securing it to the wall is the best way to prevent toddlers from toppling it. Also: – Don’t hang ornaments using tiny hooks — make yarn loops. – Don’t use popcorn strands, tinsel, or garlands, as they are choking hazards and can create intestinal blockage. – Don’t use an old artificial tree, because it may contain lead. Use a real tree or purchase a fake tree with a label that lets you know that it’s lead-free.[5]



  1. Some really great things to think about. Never knew that the old artificial trees contained lead. I do love the new led lights. They are much brighter, stay cool, and most of all the cost to keep them lit is pennies. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh, my Goddess! This post saved my Christmas. Thank you so much. Electric candles, Unbreakable ornaments, Paper cutouts, making plants out of paper, a shorter tree are priceless advices. This will make my Holiday safer and happier. 🙂 Merry Christmas.

  3. Jennifer Hedden says

    These are all great tips. I like the idea of making your own safe ornaments and use a yarn loop instead of hooks. I also like the idea of using cool burning LED lights instead of regular lights which do get pretty warm. I will definitely remember these for next year. Thank you for sharing!

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