$100 Amazon Giveaway | ends 11/21

Makobi Scribe is bringing you this Amazon G+/YouTube blast where one lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.

The giveaway is open to everyone and provided by Makobi Scribe.

Good Luck!

If you are a blogger, you can sign up for this blast here.


  1. Linda Stewart says

    I tried several times to enter via the app above, however I kept receiving a message that the program was timing out. My Google account is – https://plus.google.com/+LindaStewartNCBelle36/posts and my YouTube account is: https://www.youtube.com/user/LstewartNCBelle/feed?view_as=public

  2. Maria Iemma says

    I am afraid that I could not follow Felicita Moncada on Google+ it does not show she has an account. Would you please let me know if anyone else is having the problem?

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