Sponsored Video | Knorr Flavors of Home

Sponsored Video | Knorr Flavors of Home

Post sponsored by Knorr. All opinions are my own.

They say smells, sounds and tastes can all be tied into memories.

I have some very distinct memories that are brought up when I smell or eat specific foods. That’s why I wasn’t surprised by recent research findings commisioned by Knorr. The research found that people, regardless of how much time has passed, still find their mother’s cooking to be one of the greatest flavors on earth. In fact, three quarters (75%) agree that just one mouthful of their mom’s home cooking is enough to bring happy memories from childhood1. Around the world, 82 percent of people say that the taste of some foods remind them of childhood while more than three quarters of people (77%) agree that food is always a part of me and can transport people back to loving childhood memories.

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The video above shows the story of Carmen, a British girl who is now living in the Arctic. Of course, she misses her friends, family and life back home, but what she misses most is her mom’s cooking.

A home cooked dinner is the most important part of the day, when the family can sit down together and enjoy good food. But when you’re working in the Arctic thousands of miles away like Carmen, it can be a struggle to see your family at all.

Well… Knorr has a great surprise in store for Carmen! Luckily, Knorr is on hand to fly her mum all the way to cook her favorite dinner.

When Carmen tucks into her surprise meal, she immediately recognizes her mum’s cooking and the flavors she grew up with at home. The heart-warming taste of home cooking makes Carmen feel like she’s back at home with her family.

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As Carmen’s mom appears from the kitchen, they share an emotional and touching reunion.

The meal Carmen’s mom made for her was a gift of love and reconnected a mother and her daughter.

The right flavors can make you feel like you’re never far from home. If taste is the most powerful sense, then home is the most powerful flavor, and you can find it in Knorr.

What food or foods have a strong emotional response for you? Does anything in particular bring back instant memories for you? Share them below!


  1. Nicole Dziedzic says

    My dads homemade pierogies and my moms homemade apple pie is something that I truly love, nothing else like them!

  2. I have so many meals and foods that bring back memories of my childhood. Some come from my grandmother who has been gone for over a decade but many are from my mom and I still get to savor them on occasion!

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