How To Always Keep Your Family Healthy When Traveling

Keeping healthy during a vacation or while traveling is so important to allow your trip.

Here are a few basics to follow to ensure you keep your family healthy when traveling: 

Maintain Basic Hygiene 

Maintaining basic hygiene habits is especially beneficial when traveling. Washing hands often, in the right way and at the right times, will significantly reduce exposure to germs and the possibility of illness. Frequently wash your hands with soap and running water; in the absence of these, use alcohol-based sanitizers to rub your hands. 

Traveling by air or by train means being close to hundreds of strangers, some of whom could be ill. Keep your distance as far as possible and always have antibacterial wet wipes for cleaning germ-ridden surfaces such as armrests and tray tables. In hotel rooms, wipe down doorknobs, light switches, and remote controls. 

Practice Healthy Food Habits 

Healthy travel means making smart food choices by maintaining a healthy diet to avoid stomach issues. Eating a balanced diet helps to keep your energy levels up. Ensure any dairy products you consume are pasteurized. Eat lots of high-fiber foods such as vegetables, lean meats, legumes, and fruits. It’s okay to splurge on things like ice-cream, but only once in a while.  

Tap water may be contaminated in some areas, causing unforeseen diarrheal illnesses. In destinations where drinking water is not entirely safe, soak your vegetables and fruits in an iodine solution before consumption. This helps to prevent food borne illnesses. 

Only use purified water to brush your teeth, make ice cubes, and drink. When you do not know how stringent (or not) the food inspection protocols are in a foreign country, always avoid eating undercooked or raw meats. As far as possible, fix your meals yourself and avoid food from street vendors. When eating out, check the cleanliness levels of a restaurant before deciding where to eat. Above all, always stay hydrated by drinking lots of water (avoid sodas and energy drinks)! Not only will it assist in a smooth digestion process, but it will also keep your skin glowing and help prevent heat exhaustion, fatigue, and constipation. 

Take Your Vitamins & Supplements 

Traveling to a different country means a change of diet, which could sometimes challenge your digestive system. Taking probiotics beforehand and throughout the trip will help eliminate the possibility of digestion issues. Take supplements and vitamins for a healthier gut to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it requires, especially when traveling away from your home country. If you’re forgetful, consider using the pill cases that have the days of the week marked to act as a reminder. 

Get Sufficient Rest 

Sufficient rest is the key to maintaining a healthy body and a robust immune system. Not getting enough sleep means you are prone to get sicker when exposed to viruses like the common cold. Insufficient sleep also affects your recovery time. Burning the midnight oil, no matter how much fun you are having, is bound to lead to an exhausted family and increases your chances of falling ill. 

Healthy travel habits mean ensuring sufficient rest for everyone. If you’re traveling with children, have them maintain their usual nap and sleep patterns to avoid a meltdown. The optimal sleep amounts are 7-8 hours for adults, 9-10 hours for teenagers, and school-aged kids may require just over 10 hours of restful sleep every night to keep immunity systems in check. 

Have a First-Aid Kit with You All the Time 

Any regular medication that you or any family member takes like insulin, inhalers, or allergy medication needs to be in your luggage as it may be difficult to find during your journey. Always have a first-aid kit containing the basics like antiseptic, gauze, bandages, antibiotics, pain relievers, and other recommended over-the-counter medications that your doctor advises. Don’t forget the insect repellent and sunscreen! 

You may want to consider carrying your children’s medical history documentation if you’re traveling with them in case of an emergency. It’s difficult to remember some crucial details in a moment of panic. Before you travel, ensure to research medical care facilities and hospitals at your destination to be better prepared in any eventuality. Oh, and don’t forget your travel vaccinations. You’ll also want to make sure you have any COVID travel testing documentation on hand. Coronavirus testing in Seattle can bring tests directly to you so you can stay focused on planning, packing, and preparing for a fun trip.

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