Gourmesso Espresso Pods

Sample received. All opinions are my own.

My coffee in the morning can either make or break my day. I do love my morning coffee and if I’m lucky enough to have the time to make a latte or mocha then I know for sure it’s going to be a great day.

Gourmesso gave me the chance to try out their espresso pods that are 100% compatible with a lot of machines including the Nespresso machine.

Freshness sealed
I was sent a wonderful variety of different Gourmesso pods ranging from different flavors and a range of intensities. Each packet includes 2 pods that are sealed for freshness. When I ripped a packet open the first thing that I noticed was an most amazing aroma of fresh coffee.

Brewing your espresso
I’ve never been able to drink an espresso shot straight but I did try a less intense espresso shot from Gourmesso. I have to admit that it was pretty good! The taste wasn’t as bitter as I thought it would have been.

After that first cup I knew I had to make myself a latte with the caramel – soffio caramello. The smell as it brewed was so inviting, the combination of the fresh brew with a hint of carmel I almost couldn’t wait.

I will highly recommend Gourmesso espresso pods to fellow espresso drinkers. Being extremely affordable, the Gourmesso pods are 30% cheaper then Nespresso pods.

Start your day off right with Gourmesso.


  1. Sarah L says

    Well, first I’d have to like coffee and then I’d need a machine to use these. Glad you like them.

  2. There are plenty of occasions where I could benefit from a flavorful caffeine boost and these pods look like they would be a perfect solution. All of the flavors offered sound delicious!

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