Methods to Get Your Child to Stop Sucking their Thumbs

Thumb sucking may seem harmless at first, but as the child continues the bad habit it will become a problem as we covered last year. The habit not only leads to physical consequences, it can result in emotional and social issues. There are a variety of reasons that thumb sucking is a negative coping mechanism. While developing as a way for the child to comfort themselves when they’re stressed, sad, or uncomfortable, if it continues the child will … [Read more...]

Timeline of the Third Trimester

If you’re in the third trimester of your pregnancy, the finish line is right around the corner. Every trimester brings its own set of challenges, and the third trimester is no different. When you know what to expect during your last trimester, you can have peace of mind and feel prepared for what's to come. What to Expect During the Third Trimester At the beginning of your third trimester, it’s normal to experience an increase in fetal … [Read more...]

Adapting To A New Home And School Abroad

If you are moving to another city or country with your family, then the adjustment period for the children may be longer than you had anticipated. It may seem that children adapt quickly and all will be fine, however, sometimes this takes a little longer and especially if you are moving to a new country. The culture will be different and things will feel different. You may have already been through all the proceedings of talking with … [Read more...]

Feeding Your Newborn: Nutritional Tips for New Parents

It’s no secret that every parent wants to raise a healthy and happy child. And since infants have different needs and preferences, parents are often faced with many decisions and challenges about what the best care for their newborn should be. One of the most important areas that must be carefully considered is their nutrition. Providing your newborn with a proper diet can really go a long way. What you feed your baby will certainly have an … [Read more...]

How to Keep Fit Beyond Your 40s

There are several reasons why working out in your forties or fifties is a good idea. The most important one is that it helps you keep your weight in check, which results in lowered blood pressure, and a lower risk of heart disease. However, it’s crucial that you do it the right way, so that you won’t bring harm to yourself.    We’ve put together a list of helpful tips in ensuring that you keep fit beyond your 40s.  Learn How to Stretch … [Read more...]

Can I sue my employer for being exposed to COVID 19?

The coronavirus pandemic has upended the entire world, turning phrases like social distancing, quarantining, testing and contact tracing all part of the social lexicon. It’s been a life-changing experience that will continue to impact people’s lives for years to come.  For millions of people who remain on the frontlines throughout the pandemic, the potential side effects from COVID-19 are of real consequence. The risk of contracting the … [Read more...]

3 Effortless Anti Aging Skin Care Habits For Gorgeous Skin

Busy moms simply don’t have a bunch of spare time for self-care pampering. So, daily skincare needs to be sustainable, affordable, and efficient.   Believe it or not, skin starts aging starting around 25 years old.  Even if you still feel like a spring chicken, biological processes start slowing down regardless. When it comes to skin, this slow down can eventually cause fine lines, wrinkles, dryness, sagging skin, and blemishes.  In … [Read more...]

Foolproof Ways To Shed The Pounds, Even If You Are Too Busy To Lose Weight

Losing weight is tough, but it can be even more of a challenge when your day-to-day life is hectic. The good news is there are some tactics that will work no matter how much or little time you have. Keep reading to find out what they are below.  Fix your diet  Weight loss happens in the kitchen - that is it depends on what we eat. The problem here is that as a busy mom you may not even get 5 minutes to sit down and finish your … [Read more...]

Natural Ways To Prevent Eyestrain

When you think about your health, your eyes might not come into the equation. We use them so much without even thinking about it that they can be taken for granted, and while we’re checking our mental health, our weight, our general physical body, even our teeth, our eyes can be left behind.    Unfortunately, it’s our eyes that are most likely to experience problems. We use screens so much of the time, especially now with homeschooling and … [Read more...]

Raising Your Kid Healthy Mentally And Physically: What A Modern Parent Should Know

Bursting with courage, confidence and resilience, mentally strong kids are going to change the world. It’s not about suppressing emotions or acting tough. It’s not even about being unkind or defiant. Instead, it all comes down to how you raise your children to reach their full potential. Challenges and hardship are all part of life. In a society that expects so much from young minds, giving your kid the right tools to get ahead of the game … [Read more...]